On April 1st, the government of the District of Columbia enacted a new law requiring all D.C. employers to contribute an amount of 0.62% of all D.C. employee wages to the Universal Paid Leave Implementation Fund.
As a result, XcelHR will begin to charge the employer the amount of 0.62% on gross wages of all employees working in D.C. starting the month of April. These payments will be paid to D.C. Department of Employment Services quarterly. The first date that the District will begin administering the benefits is on July 1st, 2020.
If you would like to learn more about the new mandate, please review the public notice here. For your convenience, the government of D.C. has provided “F.A.Q.s” you can review and share with your employees.
Please download them below.
*(please use the attached corresponding PDFs, that will open in a new tab when the users click either button)
If you have any further questions, please contact the Tax team at Taxes@XcelHR.com