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Our teams passionately and diligently take the time to provide you with the best industry tools. We partner with government affiliates and associations to give you the latest legislative updates and best HR practices fast. We hope this portfolio of resources meets the needs of your business. If there’s a new feature you would like us to add, please let us know.
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Overcoming Challenges of Reopening Your Business After COVID-19Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 3 PM ET
Even though many businesses are in the process of re-opening, much of the stress and fear over the pandemic still resides.

Weekly Pandemic Response TalkWednesdays at 3 PM ET
Please join us Wednesdays at 3 PM ET to learn the latest developments on the Coronavirus (Covid-19). Find out how your business and employees could be affected by the latest federal and State mandates. Get your questions answered at our Q&A session.

Burn Out Busters: Tips to Lower Leadership StressDecember 11, 2019 1 P.M. (EST)
Ah, the holidays. What a great time to explore some simple, easy stress-busters – for people-managers! Please join us for some ‘magic’ tips including bio-hacks you can use year-round, to increase well-being, boost your energy reserves and make your workplace interactions more pleasant and productive.

The Secret Sauce for Hiring Top PerformersJanuary 23, 2020 11 A.M. (EST)
Join us January 23rd to learn how to recruit the talent you need to propel your business forward. Discover how to simplify your recruiting processes so you can hire the right employees fast.

Mentors That Help You Spread Your WingsFebruary 13, 2020 11 A.M. (EST)
As a leader, you are put in a unique position to guide your employees, and help them learn and grow into the best workers. But what does it mean to be a mentor? What if you don’t feel cut out to be a mentor? How can you inspire trust and respect in your employees? How can you best connect and encourage them? We will answer these questions and more.

How to design the best group health plan for your businessMarch 12, 2020 11 A.M. (EST)
As an employer, you know that selecting employee group health plans involves high stakes decision-making which can profoundly impact your employees. XcelHR’s benefits experts understand that comparing and selecting plans is not easy. There are a host of issues to consider and many vendors to choose from.

An employer’s guide to the updated W-4 formApril 15, 2020 11 A.M. (EST)
The new W-4 form changes are out what now? What does that mean for me and my employees? How does this change my processes? We will answer these questions so you’re not caught off guard and you can grow your business with confidence.

How to craft effective job descriptionsMay 14, 2020 11 A.M. (EST)
Hiring great talent starts with attracting the right talent. One of the key elements for attracting top-notch talent is an effective job description.

Overcoming Challenges of Reopening Your Business After COVID-19Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 3 PM ET
Even though many businesses are in the process of re-opening, much of the stress and fear over the pandemic still resides.
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How to craft effective job descriptionsMay 14, 2020 11 A.M. (EST)
Hiring great talent starts with attracting the right talent. One of the key elements for attracting top-notch talent is an effective job description.
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An employer’s guide to the updated W-4 formApril 15, 2020 11 A.M. (EST)
The new W-4 form changes are out what now? What does that mean for me and my employees? How does this change my processes? We will answer these questions so you’re not caught off guard and you can grow your business with confidence.
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How to design the best group health plan for your businessMARCH 12, 2020
As an employer, you know that selecting employee group health plans involves high stakes decision-making which can profoundly impact your employees. XcelHR’s benefits experts understand that comparing and selecting plans is not easy. There are a host of issues to consider and many vendors to choose from.
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Mentors That Help You Spread Your WingsFebruary 13, 2020 11 A.M (EST)
As a leader, you are put in a unique position to guide your employees, and help them learn and grow into the best workers. But what does it mean to be a mentor? What if you don’t feel cut out to be a mentor? How can you inspire trust and respect in your employees? How can you best connect and encourage them? We will answer these questions and more.
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The Secret Sauce for Hiring Top PerformersJanuary 23, 2020 11 A.M. (EST)
Join us January 23rd to learn how to recruit the talent you need to propel your business forward. Discover how to simplify your recruiting processes so you can hire the right employees fast.
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Employer Tax Withholding Best PracticesOCTOBER 16, 2019 11 A.M. (EST)
Running a business is hard, but it gets harder when you start paying employees and filing payroll taxes. You must be aware of all the payroll and tax laws which regulate your industry and the geographic regions where your employees located.
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How to launch a successful open enrollmentSEPTEMBER 18, 2019 1 P.M. (EST)
As the days grow shorter and the nights colder, open enrollment looms larger and draws closer. The process of getting your employees signed up for health insurance can be frustrating and overwhelming. This year will be different!
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A Business Owner’s Guide to 401ks with Slavic401kAUGUST 21, 2019
It can be difficult for small businesses to attract strong talent to their organizations. 401(k)s can be the tool you need to attract and retain critical team members. 401(k) plans can be difficult to understand, establish and, maintain.
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How to Strengthen Company Culture Through LeadershipJULY 24, 2019
Employee engagement isn’t just corporate jargon. Employee engagement is essential to incentivizing talented workers to join organizations. When they are engaged, they are productive employees. Their work accomplishments become their personal reward.
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Hiring Best Practices: Stay Compliant and Hire with ConfidenceMAY 16, 2019
When your business is experiencing explosive growth, and you have been trying to fill a critical role for months. Your organization starts to feel the strain, and your team’s stress runs high. You may feel overwhelmed by the urgency to fill this position.
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How to Manage Difficult EmployeesAPRIL 18, 2019
Employees are a business’s best asset, but they can also carry a business’s highest risk. Employees are human and have good days and bad days. Sometimes those bad days can turn into weeks or months and can wreak havoc on company culture and erode trust, communication and morale.
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A Business Owner’s Guide to Selecting A Group Health PlanMARCH 14, 2019
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Top 5 HR Pitfalls to Avoid for Smart EntrepreneursFEBRUARY 13, 2019
Your greatest strengths as an entrepreneur won’t automatically translate into good leadership for your company. In fact, you’re often most vulnerable to the biggest pitfalls in leadership when you rely on your default strengths & behaviors. Most problems are rooted in subtle, common missteps you can better avoid if you are aware of them.
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Ten Tips for Hiring Excellent EmployeesJANUARY 23, 2019
Learn the steps you can take to identify and recruit the talent you need to propel your business forward. Learn what to consider before starting your candidate search, where to look for the right pool of candidates, and how to attract the people you want.