The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services ( USCIS) has announced an updated version of the Form I-9. The Form I-9 is used by employers to verify their employees’ identity and eligibility to work in the U.S. The 2019 form can continue to be used until October 31, 2023, after which only the new version dated “08/01/2023” will be accepted. The version date can be found in the lower left-hand corner of the form.

Updates to the Form I-9

  • Condenses Sections 1 and 2 to a single-sided sheet.
  • Updated with a mobile-friendly design
  • Reduces instructions from 15 pages to 8
  • Adds a checkbox letting employers indicate they examined I-9 documentation remotely under an authorized alternative procedure.
  • Revises the Acceptable Documents section to include guidance and links on automatic extensions of employment authorization documentation.
  • Adds acceptable receipts to the Acceptable Documents section.
  • Converts Section 1 Preparer/Translator Certification to a separate, standalone supplement employers can provide employees.
  • Converts Section 3, Reverification and Rehire, to a standalone supplement that employers can print when rehire or re-verification is required.

Virtually Documentation Inspection

The updated Form I-9 gives employers more flexibility in verifying their employees’ employment eligibility. Qualified employers can inspect their employees’ documentation virtually, removing the need for physical verification.

How do Employers Qualifies for the Virtual Documentation Inspection

1. Be in good standing with the E-Verify program.
2. Be enrolled in E-Verify for all hiring sites in the U.S. for which they seek to use the alternative procedure.
3. Have fulfilled all E-Verify requirements and continue to be a participant in good standing. This applies to any period during which the employer uses the alternative procedure.
4. Follow the remote examination instructions as provided by the USCIS.

The way we verify employment eligibility has come a long way. We are taking a giant leap forward with the introduction of permanent virtual verification. The adoption of this technology harnesses the power of our digital world to provide employers with a secure and efficient way to verify identities and employment documents. No longer will geographical barriers hinder the process, and compliance with immigration and employment regulations will be easier than ever before.